Since Pawel Nowak's address shows he live in Radomsko - woj.Lodz you should contact by email the Lodz Police fraud department: [email protected].
In case if they will not react or answer, you may also contact Polish National Police Headquarter complaints department in Warsaw [email protected].
Just remember to CLEARLY state your name, address, phone number (most likely they will call you) and your email address.
If your will send just anonymous grievance, it will be ignored.
Polish police treat very seriously all kind of internet frauds and scams.

It's about time to end the "happy" activity of this scumbag who brings the bad name on Polish collectors and sellers.
On July 15 I'm going to Poland for couple of weeks and will see what could be done with this guy.
I'll take the liberty to copy all posted images and comments and show them to good friend of mine who is the high-ranked officer in Warsaw Police Headquarter, but without direct complaints of victim(s) there's nothing to do.