Well i feel like a silly goose. Someone asked my opion on this and i guess i was in left feild.But to get on the subject here is my two cents.I think the subject is still going full swing.We do not see it as much because the new internet crowd buys and sells and there is not like the old days of being at a gun show or such.I have several younger people that buy and make payments.One guy bought one i never seen for 2 years i forgot what he even looked like but at a show he stopped up and asked if i still had the dagger which i did he paid in full.The stigma of nazi is pretty much worn off if you go to europe the older people still live it but the younger generation doe not even care about nazi stigma any more.So I do think the younger crowd is there we just dont see it besides someone is buying this stuff. Because i am still selling it. jim