Posted 28 December 2003 21:04

Thanks for the info on the breast eagle. I thought it was applied in 1935 and what you say makes sense. My Bavarian LAPO Major's tunic does not have a beast eagle and I have always assumed it was earlier than this NCO tunic. It is identical to the Oberst tunic on page 134 of L�hken, except it does not have the bullion "wings" on the shoulder boards for a retired Col. I am like you, I don't know what the three NCO pips would represent. Are they the silver plated pips according to regulations?

The LAPO NCO tunic does have markings similar to those in L�hken, but unfortunately no date. The tunic is marked to the Munich LAPO. Interestingly, these folks wore either black or steelgreen pants and I have a pair of the long trousers in steelgreen, while L�hken says the long pants were black and the riding breeches steel green. Just the opposite...and photographs seem to show black breeches being worn. He also says the belts were dark brown, but my Munich marked belt is black and always seems to have been that way. He seems to stop with the LAPO in 1928, so perhaps these regs changed after that? Does your Bavarian LAPO manual say anything after 1928?

Here is a photo of my black LAPO belt as shown in the photos above. I have since wiped off the original mildew patina it came with, but it is black.


"You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself." Ricky Nelson

Posts: 2456 | Registered: 25 October 2003

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