Dave, nice List of awards. I like the prices. So where's the 1953 date & who's the Company?? Don't be afraid to post this info, no German firm is gonna get in trouble at this late stage. Your posting of 23.1.06 14:19 is not specific as to whether you were talking about postwar production being available to buy, or the availability of original wartime-produced leftovers that were sold openly, etc.,- so is this List you posted a list of 1953-produced pcs. or a list of wartime-made leftovers? I don't find it strange at all that wartime-made leftovers could be bought openly in 1953; heck, as late as 1977 I found original tinnies & original unissued mint bronze, silver, gold Motor Vehicle Driver Badges in envelopes in storage (hundreds) at the Rudolf Souval KG firm in Vienna. At that time the Drivers Badges had just about the same status to collectors as a tinnie. Or maybe you meant that the 1953 List was a list of postwar-made pcs. If this is the case, this List you posted is irrelevant as to the proof & facts I asked for; we are discussing awards brought back from the veterans of WW2 when they came back home in 1945/46; not fake junque items passed off to the Occupation Army during the korean War in 1953. So it isn't gonna fit the bill. If this is a List of 1953 repros, you seem to assume they are of high quality. Perhaps they were not, but were the usual junky stuff seen here in the USA at that time, or maybe the stuff was on par with the Souval stuff. Your 1953 List has much of the same terminology as the 1972 Rudolf Souval Listings. But no matter that about the quality, a 1953 List of repros available to the later Occupation Forces does not pertain to the time frame 1945/46 & the combat-veterans souvenir-hunting at that time. What else ya got?