Tom, now I have to reply to your posting of 20.Jan06 23:03. That worn-out myth "fakes are sold by vets quite often" is one of those wacky scary fairytales that most likely emanated from the old gun shows & the unpolished dealers at same. I, me personally, still find your statement totally absurd, & the reasoning behind this is in that in half-a-century of buying from veterans, I've never been offered a fake from one of these guys. Yes, I've seen ads on ebay with pictures of blatant fakes with stories of "coming from a vet", but in those cases, the fake speaks for itself as being a fake, & so the phony story is seen as just a part of the marketing ploy of the crook to pass the fake onto un unexperienced beginner, & has no relation to honest stories from actual veterans. Again, it's the savvy/ability to smell a rat when one's in the garbage pile.