G24t .....I'm not a 'Flag Person' but I am a 25+ year collector of TR artifacts.The 'time-line' and 'pedigree' of your Unique Flag speaks volumes about your singular piece. I'd suggest (if at all possible) that you obtain a written documentation by your Uncle of the events & circumstances of his obtaining the Flag. Then have his signature Notarized, just for posterity.

In following, and being active in, this hobby - I have seen opinions change & the 'Fake' become real & vice versa. Not enough knowledge / information is out there - for these 'Unusual' items IMHO.

a) Just take a look at the 'Cat Fight' over the Engraved NSKK which is going on right now - lack of TR Period Knowledge?
b) Or, consider that SS-Researcher has recently located > 50,000 names of SS NCO's & EM's - which no one knew existed & we were all told, would Never be found?

We ALL still have a 'lot' to learn. The bottom line is that you feel good about the Flag & you are proud of it - - and you have no intention of selling it. Good for you.

Askold - WOW, your Site is just outstanding. It is well laid out & easy to Read. Good Going!!!
I have bookmarked it - as I love to learn more about the brave SS 14th Galicians! Keep adding more, so we learn more.

The main purpose of our Hobby (for Collectors, as I see it) is the sheer Enjoyment of the TR Articles & the enrichment of our historical knowledge of WW2 - and not that of a consideration of a financial return for our TR Treasures. (That, I will leave to others._

G24t ... You enjoyed your Flag & wished to Share your 'find' with us.
That's perfectly fine with me!! Enjoy, Dave / dblmed

[Always looking for TeNoSchumaTechnische Noodhulp Items...]