Thank you VERY much for posting these pics! I am learning about these daggers and someday hope to own one, but now is my time to learn. In that role, I must THANK you for posting these pics. and beg you not to be discouraged by a single (probably just honestly mistaken Wink) individual.
Having said that,
If wizards post has infact had the effect of causing you to question these two daggers then I must say... I agree with him, they are fake and you should get them out of your collection as soon as possible by selling them to me(because I am starting a "fake" collection) as soon as possible. I assume then, that you will accept $50.00 each for of these blatent fakes?
(Just in case my meaning was not clear the last paragraph was a JOKE!!!!!!!!!!)
Best to all and thanks again!

Silver Badge #0398

My Avatar = My dagger security system! wink