Hi Bill,
Hope you and everyone else are doing well also and finally getting to enjoy some nice weather.

Sorry for not posting in a while but was wondering if my contributions were worthwhile or getting old and didn't want to be taking up too much of your time with postcards, but with you supplying these intresting and informative overview's it's difficult to stop.

Again I do appreciate the translations and input.

I had no idea what the tour of battle card was about,I just thought it had appeal due to it's heroic looking avenger. Kind of reminded me of Marvel's version of Thor only with a sword.

I picked up the Erlk�nig one mostly because I really like this artist work but also thought it was a version of a story that I heard as a kid listening to a old ghost tales record.

The story was something about a father riding with his son.The boy seems to know and see a deadly spirit trying to catch up to him,
to take his life, and he pleads and pleads with his father to speed up and heed his warnings but the dad does not believe until it's to late and the boy lies dead in his arms.

It was really a thrill to re remember this tale from my childhood after I saw this card and it was even sweeter seeing it was done by a artist that I am into.
Here's a link what I thought it was about and am now wondering if this is how the original version was told.


Thank you for bringing the variation to my attention.