
Here is summary for you; That is Wartburg castle shown on your post card which is near Eisenach, Germany. Your post card is from an original painting by Moritz Ludwig von Schwind 1854 and it�s called �St. Elisabeth�s departure from Wartburg castle� That is St. Elisabeth on your post card with halo and children. She was born in Sarospatak, Hungary and the daughter of King Andrew ll of Hungary. The princess and future Queen of Hungary was sent to Wartburg from Hungary by her mother at the age of four to be raised and to marry the Earl of Thuringia, Ludwig IV, which she did at the age of 14. She was well known for her charity work for the poor and died in Marburg at the age of 24, shortly after she was pronounced a saint by the Catholic Church. If you wish to read more about her life, St. Elisabeth. Nice artworks shown by all. Thank you. Regards