Not a ring guy here, but I certainly keep an eye on the going ons. Anytime a "ground dug" trove is unearthed my ears perk up. My ears of suspicioun. Some of the tales are just too fantastic and these stories creat an "instant provenance" for the seller. Niece to be able to say "I don't know who owned theis before as it was dug from a battlefield in Western Czhech Republic". End of story. A person either buys the story or not. I really become aroused (easy..not like that) when high-dollar items are unearthed.

How 'bout this one. "I was digging in Cave Creek Arizona and I unearthed a 50 gallon drum full of RKs, DKIGs, KM badges, Luft, heer, a few spanish crosses, heck even #5-100 golden party badges". Oddly,and only by coincidence, the dig site was behind a mail order store called POH.

Just my $.02


German Sabers