First I want to concern on the certain portepee: Whenever you had the luck to see or own one in real you immediately will recognize the difference to the "normal" one. There are a lot of them (wishful thinking) around which only tend to come close to the one (width of the acorn) or the other (length of the acorn, stem) limit of a totally "normal" portepee. As said you recognize immediately the right thing when you see it and have a minimum experience on knots. Also the stem is more fragile, the brocade waving is much more delicate, the ground material of the cord obviously is another one as with the "normals". I think that those who don�t care miss the real one Wink.
Concerning diplos versus govs and the direction of the head: It is a minute difference but as stated several times before minute diffrences made a lot of daggers. WC versus LC: simply the color; different foresters: simply the different grip material; polic and SSdegens: simply a small grip emblem or an altered pommel; and and and...
Believe it or not, you may take it or leave it. What I do know about these times such minute details were very important for those who were concerned. Especially during time of "peace".
Again I personally think that these collectors who don�t mind might miss the right thing, but this is my personal opinion.
As already stated several times violations of all rules, some more prominant, others less prominent, are known.

wotan, gd.c-b#105

"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.