On 07/22/2023 Mikee asked:


Can you get a clear closeup picture of the maker mark on the marking hammer? Thank you"

I brought up the original photo of the maker's mark on the saw blade, used the zoom, then "Web capture", then Microsoft Office Picture manager and here is the result.

Note that the maker's mark on the pruning blade is also in the photo. The mark maybe "PELZ" over "GREFENBERG"

Also note that the knife photo from Chevalier2022, shows "BRENNER" over "GREFENBRG" on one blade.

Web capture_29-1-2024_13397_mail.yahoo.com.jpeg (101.8 KB, 134 downloads)
PELZ tool, maker's mark on saw blade.
Last edited by C. Wetzel-20609; 01/29/2024 07:17 PM.