Hello Joe. You are right. The armbands of the Reichskriegerbund with the federal badge is made of blue felt.

On August 19, 1934, the Reichskriegerführer decreed that the clubs of former hunters and marksmen wear their green hunter's armband with the Hubertus Cross with the Kyffhäuser uniform. At an event of the Reichskriegerbund the Kyffhäuser armband is to be worn above the hunter's armband, at an event of the Deutscher Jägerbund the hunter's armband is to be worn above the Kyffhäuser armband.

On May 2, 1936, the Reichskriegerführer ordered that the colonial warriors affiliated with the Reichskriegerbund wear the armband made of khaki cord-colored material instead of the blue armband.

The Reichskriegerbund introduced a field gray-green service coat to the uniform on May 10, 1936. As of January 31, 1937, the blue armband had to be exchanged for an armband made of felt or garbadine fabric in the color of the service coat.

In September 1940, the Beschaffungsstelle of the Reichskriegerbund informed its members that, as a result of increased armament requirements, felt cloth for the Bundesarmbinde was no longer available and blue armbands for members would no longer be supplied. Only members with service position stripes continue to receive armbands.