In 1936, Hitler authorized the NS Musterbetriebe comptetition amongst German factories and businesses to celebrate those who followed the DAF guidelines for worker's health,housing and education. Annual awards were presented each May Day follwing a yearlong competition with awards first appearing in 1938 and through most of the war years. For those competitors that satisfied the three guidelines, the award was the NS Musterbetriebe. The business could fly the DAF flag with the golden DAF wheel and show the iron award sign on their wall, while the business owner and DAF Business Obmann both were awarded numbered gold NS Musterbetriebe stick pins. The first pins were 333 gold which later disappeared. Here is one awarded plus the Besitzurkunde. This pin #679 was awarded to Betriebesobmann (Factory DAF Foreman) Heinrich Ohlenforst in 1941 for the accomplishment of his factory in the 1940/41 contest.
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