I found the show to be very decent and well attended. I didn't pick up much, and didn't get anything that I was shopping for Only saw one so so condition officers medical visor. Herman Historica had a mint one but for auction....that was it for medical officers other than 1 crusher (which I didnt want) Gebrigsjager visors I saw one...two Admin being passed as Mountain...... SA dagger prices were crazy but then they have been affordable for soooo many years we have become spoiled. Merely a matter of time before they surpassed $1000 Even decent Heer daggers were $850++ Nice Waffenrocks were $1275 to $2200 Heer and Luftwaffe tunic were very high clean officer visors were $1200 to $2500 even clean Artillery were very expensive.... We all want prices low when we buy and high when we sell...... can't have it both ways unless you started 35 years ago or longer.....A good show overall far better than the MAX IMO....cheers, R P.S Gaspare I took lots of pics I will forward them to you should you want to post them