The one constant in this hobby, from collectors is "rising prices" 1977 Star Wars figure by Kenner that my brother and I played with as a kid original cost $1.98 My father bought them at clearance for .99 those figures if mint and graded are worth as much as $30,000 each they were mass produced by the millions in China or Hong Kong if my father had invested $500 he would be a millionaire today I sold my 1960s GII Joe collection back in 1998 and bought my first Corvette from the profit today I woud able able to purchase a brand new one from the same collection .....guys militaria is a bargain at these prices look at Barbies Pokemon cards for $100,000 really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! daggers are a work of art comparatively speaking look at sports memorbillia GOD there are even marbles that bring crazy money WW2 movies are still being made and are popular Hitler is always playing somewhere on my satelite television Barnes and Noble are full of WW2 books...............magazines Interest is still high as is demand if its dying why are dealers' sales through the roof Let me know when prices tumble....I'll be waiting see ya at the SOS cheers and best, Ryan