I bought this on eBay in Jan. 2022 for the price of $550.00, I was the only bidder. It was listed as "1928 German Shooting award Presentation dagger Hirschfanger sword Solingen". The seller noted the two inscriptions, "Carl Evers, 1926" on the top scabbard mount and "Seinen Treffsicheren Jagern, Zum 100 Jahr Jubilaum, Hauptmann Hesse, Gadebusch d. 16. 7. 1928" on the bottom scabbard mount.

I almost did not buy this Hirschfanger because it was an unmarked blade and the two different names and dates on the inscriptions had me confused. My research found C. Evers was the 1927 Schutzen Konig of Gadebusch and was listed as born 1879 on the 1919 Gadebusch census. My research of Hauptmann Hesse found a military record for Karl Alexander Hesse, and he was listed as born 1893 on the 1919 Gadebusch census.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Carl Evers won the 1926 Gadebusch Schutzenfest and was the 1927 Gadebuscher Schutzen Konig and this Hirschfanger was presented to him by Hauptmann (Captain) Hesse in 1928. I also believe this Hirschfanger is an unmarked Carl Eickhorn model Nr. 36.

I was also very lucky to find the "Gadebuscher Schutzenzunft v. 1583 e.V." club patch in March 2022 on eBay in the United Kingdom.

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Carl Eickhorn, Nr. 36, Hirschfanger
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Carl Eickhorn, Nr. 36, Hirschfanger
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Carl Eickhorn, Nr. 36, Hirschfanger
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Carl Eickhorn, Nr. 36, Hirschfanger
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Gadebuscher Schutzenzunft, Konjgs Tafel
Last edited by C. Wetzel-20609; 01/28/2023 11:13 PM. Reason: I added more detail information.