
It wouldn't surprise me grin There have been various reasons for different size membership badge, such as for males & females, different ranking within the organisation (as Dave suggests), and to differentiate between actual paid up members of a group & their supporters, as with the size differerence of Steirischer Heimatbund & Kärntner Volksbund badges.

As an added bit of info, the organisation lasted with a slight name change, into the 1950's at least, as shown by these badges offered by Hüsken....


29128.jpg (18.5 KB, 33 downloads)
29127.jpg (24.55 KB, 33 downloads)
Last edited by Don Scowen; 08/27/2022 12:55 PM.

"Much that once was, is lost, for none now live who remember it"

Galadriel, LotR.