in the early days Andy and I used to share a room at the SOS. [The MAX he'd always had or shared a table]. Man we'd have some fun.. For me it was always more for socializing.. Great to see the guys you've been talking to on the computer. doing deals with thru the year... A big steak for dinner, some drinks first at Craigs 'Cocktail party' then hit the bar downstairs..
IF I found a couple pieces at the show then great,,,if I didn't it was fine.

- Some of his prices were just plum crazy! but its stuff he really liked and wanted to show it more than sell it anyway.

Another good one was breakfast.. The waitress would come over and fill his coffee cup [I don't drink coffee]. He'd grab her wrist and make her put down the coffee pot,,,,then take out a $20 bill, give it to her and say bring another pot by in 20 min.!! At the end when we were leaving we'd always tip the waitress sometimes as much as the bill on top of it....
- Craziness and a good time was Andy on a pot and a half of coffee!!!! Good God I miss him.....