Years ago after reading Don Bibles booklet on the Police discs I read he hinted about them possibly coming from Poland.. So at the time I was going twice a year to east Europe to do some 'picking'. While in Warsaw I made a contact that lead me to a firm that made the current war decorations for Poland.. I was interested in the 2 Warsaw uprisings and his building was very historic and he was giving me a tour. While there I saw.. Saw big 10 ton presses, small ones, grinders , polishers, chemical baths, gilding and silver wash baths/equipment.

What I didn't see was anything that relates to the Police warrant discs! He got a phone call and said he had to take it and to look around in that room I was already in.... I did wrong,, I overstepped my bounds and started walking around and looking. A what do I find!,,,?,,, Tooling set ups and finished pieces of nazi Silver Wound badges, Silver General assault badges, and design drawings/scans on his PC for the Tanker assault badge.. AND,,a few of already finished Polish WW2 and post war awards , enameled, polished, ribboned up etc. AND,,a few stacks of document /award cards for the medals they already made.... Then suddenly he found me in the room I guess he didn't want me to see.

He got quite mad,,,,actually very mad. I started asking him questions and he shouted out something in Polish.. And very quickly there was 4 very big Polish guys.. Now back then I was in pretty good shape,,,but no one is in 4 big Polish guys shape!.. They threw me around a bit,,,then tossed me out and down a flight if stairs. Worst of all,,then threw my brand new Nikon digi cam down the stairs!! I got away with the usual cuts and bruses.. When back at the hotel trying to fix my cam and it was trashed,,everything but one photo of their front door!! I sent it to Don with the story and didn't hear anything back..

At the time I was very friendly with a member here and he wanted to go picking so I took him to Poland and Ukraine. Hit all the bazars, the annual 'digger show' , Auschwitz, and of course the Polish medal shop. I got him to go in and he was in there for a while and then he too was 'escorted out' ... But he saw the WBs, GABs, and something I didn't see Mothers crosses.... These things were only the silver grade, and they were perfect. It's not brain surgery guys. The had the equipment, materials and figured out the finish for only the 'silver' pieces.... End of story....

Guys,,,always be leary,,never believe the story,,and compare only with known originals.... Happy hunting....,G.