- * A recent email showed up in my SPAM folder..This is it in it's entirity,,,,,but I did block out their contact info!:

"Hello Sir,
All buyer wants WW2 products in correct sizing and colours butt all supplier send product on different colour of fabric and
in different sizing each time.and No one buyer could achieve to solve this problem up till now.But we shall solve your problem,
every order will be same on each time that you would place in correct and same color of fabric and correct sizing.

You will do visit our e-commerce store https:------------------ for pricing and placing test order about WW2 GERMAN PRODUCTS or others.
A Test order will open new doors for you to receving correct and perfect WW2 PRODUCTS at opportunity for great profit for you.
Because We think profit is not in sale of products but in buying at good prices.See our e-store and make a decision.

We deal in All custom sizing without additional charges.
We sell WW2 COLLAR TABS,arm band ,belts and buckles ,field gear, tunics, trousers, parka,long and short coats,jack boots ,shoulder boards etc

We will wait an opportunity from your side."

Best regards,"

- * SO, what I get for it is that IF you have a known good piece and you either send it to them,,OR get is laser scanned and if they have the correct material they can make a copy that is not able to tell the real from the copy!!.... I'd say this is being done already for some time... Same with Badges and medals and other pieces... A warning,,be careful . Those 'experts' who claim they know all the 'variants' all the copies...can tell you what good and whats not are full of sh*t period.

Last edited by Gaspare; 12/16/2021 02:58 AM.