
a really interesting discussion regarding the dagger shown at the beginning.

Personally, I too have some doubts about the maker's mark, but who can say that one has seen everything? I can’t, and I have seen a lot when it comes to navy daggers.

Such individual pieces are very difficult to judge. What speaks for them is that they are almost unique. What counterfeiter with a monetary interest should go to such lengths faking it, please?
On the other hand, collectors should try to acquire pieces that can be proven by reference books or sites like Oleg’s great website. Here, it should be noted, we should keep within the scope of what we are talking about. Unfortunately, citing completely different edged weapons does not make much sense, since the maker's marks did not always match.

I think we can leave it at that.

Of course, the administrator of a specialized website will have to focus on textbook specimens.
An individual collector, on the other hand, can of course go much further and research things that are unknown but therefore in the beginning a matter of believing.
The contradiction between the two views is resolved here, which makes the hobby exciting imho.
Accordingly, we should treat each other with respect. We all want to expand and confirm the state of knowledge.

Looking forward to see more educated knowledge and examples of interesting KM Daggers.


Last edited by Flyingdutchman; 12/04/2021 09:45 PM.