Hello Stud, a very nice and interesting ring. Due to "The Key" Moosburger´s last appearance in DALs is really in the Dez. 1938 list. Perhaps his personal file would give answer what has happened to him. The ring, to my best knowledge did not appear anywhere in the net (although I have the feeling that I have heard "Moosburger" in connex with a TKR already before. May I ask how did you get this ring?
I do not have the certain regulation at my hands but I remember that it is correct what you mentioned that the ring was given to all members with a smaller SS number than 3000. Therefore he got it as NCO which is quite rare but documented in several cases. It is well known that HH was extremely fuzzy about dates therefore it is highly unassumable if not impossble that the date in the ring is 1935 an he bestowed it later, in 1935.

wotan, gd.c-b#105

"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.