Thanks so much for bringing up the period use of Niello! It has been used for a very long time, and still in use today..

Your Iraq ring is interesting.. The Niello seems deeper then usual. Thats good and not so good. The good,,it probably was a super looking ring when new..
The bad,,when Niello isn't painted on thin and fired correct it can peel, and/or chip like shown..

You can really see the hand embellishment on this example. Great ring for the collection and to study. I really like the side band shaping and appears to be a nice hefty ring!.. Good catch!, thanks again for showing it..

Members,,,IF you have any interesting enamel rings OR, want to show a chip, crack, etc. it will help other members to see/study them.. When you get an 'eye' for the 'glass' it will be easier when your at a show or bazar etc. when its 'now or never' to find/buy that great ring because your pretty sure its real enamel!...,
,,be careful guys....,G.

Last edited by Gaspare; 10/29/2020 03:21 AM.