Besides the airborne mutation it also appears now that the highly coveted antibodies developed in those who have recovered from the illness are only lasting a few weeks or months. So there is no safe guarantee for the survivors. There is nothing now that suggests they wont get sick again. I am not sure what the mutations plus the disappearing antibodies does to the hope surrounding a vaccine- but it does not sound good. It may end up having to be many years of just sitting tight and hoping we are the remaining wheat once the reaper is done taking his cut. I for one am taking precautions and praying for the most part. In the end that is all anyone can really do I suppose. I hope that the virus disappears as quickly as it appeared. Good bit of news is that extreme heat does have an impact on the integrity of the virus- 30 minutes at 133 Fahrenheit. Outside of Death Valley CA I do not know where in my nation that has ever been measured. But the vitamin D does help strengthen the immune system so fish oils sunlight and D3 supplements are likely some bit of help.