Well its been a 100 days... Think we lost something like 30 people yesterday.. I don't check anymore. We are def on the down trend and parts of NYC are reopening a little at a time. By July I think things will be to the new normal..

We should have been cleaning the subways, mass transit etc. WAY better than we were. And we will be from now on. Masks,, I think everyone will at least have a mask on them in case of a person showing sickness signs. It's just the way its going to be for a very long time if not forever here in the big citys..
Anyway,,,100 days! I'm proud of NYers.. Some that opened early are already having upspikes. They got to keep their cool,,not so fast,, a little at a time.

This not political just funny,,and I'm a born, bred NYer so I can say this... Someone asked my why are our locals protesting and destroying, looting our own city.
- My wife is there every day. I'm there 1,,2 times a week, my daughters there every day,,,we ALL came to the same conclusion. - Most of the protesters are not NYers. I'd say maybe 25%. The ones that START to destroy at strategic locals when it gets dark,,,they too are not NYers,,maybe 10%. ,,,but the nuts looting? yeah,, they are NYers sad to say..

- * I know this for sure as I've had some of the people leading the groups ask me directions, or the best way to get to etc.,,,,,NO way a NYer doesn't know their way around. We have a lot of people but its a small area... Hope in 2 weeks we won't have a uptick from these agitators/protesters etc. We'll have to wait and see.

The new mantra should be,, ALM,,,,, ALL LIVES MATTER.!..