all the Baltic rings - patriotics (or even the fashion of the time), if you can call it that, they have no direct relation to the war, they simply liked to wear these rings at the time, as it seems to me, their whole essence is that they were found legionnaires from their Baltic states, otherwise, the topic is not very interesting and very large, Gaspar you know
Even what you show is an ordinary traditional ring, connected with an old-fashioned legend and nothing more, everything seems trivial to them, it?s not particularly interesting to me, I can show you many rings from Tsarist Russia and from the early period of the USSR, which are much more rare and interesting than this theme ))) ????

P.S. their rings and theme, too overestimated, in significance and rarity, it is more than ordinary jewelry

Last edited by Evgeniy; 05/04/2020 09:53 PM.