Originally Posted by Dave

Thanks, I'd forgotten that topics. Less was known about the SA prototypes at the time. Since then at least two EP&S and two Eickhorns SAs have surfaced which adds some clarity.

The best info I have seen on the SA prototypes was Tom Wittmann's presentation at the 2015 MAX Seminar.


Hello Dave,

I only know about 2 extra, period SA Christmas daggers, that have surfaced during the past 13 years, since that topic.
Of course, I have encountered about a dozen or more fabrications, of which several with the wrong pointed eagle, that is also shown in that new booklet.
The SA Christmas dagger appears also in a couple old reference books and articles of militaria magazines.
But you will not find anything written before 2019, about any SS Christmas dagger. And now at least 4 -all full Rohm by the way!- would have surfaced in just 1 year, via the same, very small group of people... On top of that they dare to state that: "We hope that this reference may pull a few more out of the woodwork (maybe even an Eickhorn!!!)."
Anyone with some years in the hobby, knows what that means: it is like winning the jackpot in Vegas, 4X in a row and being sure to win some more times.
Good luck in Vegas!

Best regards,


You never have enough HJ-knifes!