Hello Graspaps, was your nickname the same at your first appearance in this forum? I think to remember a member with a highly advanced and specialized SAcollection but I do not rember the nickname. I am no specialized uniform guy but can I recognize some SAWehrmannschaft Uniforms in your first pic? It catches my eyes that the arrangements are very complete, even with daggers!

At these times, the 80s, items naturally had a lower price but imho they were never cheap in regard of the value of our currencies. On the other hand prices for some good, special items seem to explode the last years but for average items and items in low condition the prices do drop delicately.

As said, I am no specialized uniform guy but I do apreciate looking at them and to learn something new: o please, where is the greatcoat in your last picture from (the pic is very blurry too), naval SA?


wotan, gd.c-b#105

"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.