Some good comments Wotan... I for one will say outright,, That at one time I believed the HR was die stamped. While admiring them I did not collect them nor did much research if any in to them.. 30 years ago we had Don.. Like Wittman&Johnson for daggers, Stump for awards,Hritz for SS cloth and etc etc.

What changed my opinion recently was a few things. 1. being some of the articles I saw in the period trade guild booklets. 2, then really taking a look at one on a cheapie [but effective] pc microscope. 3, exchanging some emails with Antonio.. I will admit,, I don;t know exactly how the HR was made. But I'll tell you for sure they weren't made from one die chocked up in a press!

So now its 2020. We are global,,scientific research is just a click away.. *Wotan if I think I;m understanding you correctly is: What is our standard! Are we researching in to a HR to determine how its made while it being a SuperFake?! Provenance,provenance provenance!

I would really like to thank you all for participating. We really are truly global, different languages,dialects,cultures,,,,and we're doing good brothers!

I do look forward to new postings here. Everything has been very interesting!!.,G.

Last edited by Gaspare; 01/31/2020 01:38 PM.