, Bravo Ed !! hobby related,,thats the best $20 you [and most of us ] have spent! Bravo!

Prices.. items in our hobby are always, always rising and falling.. Something like a ID tag. You can't put a price on something like that. Worn around a soldiers, mans neck,,,and if a whole tag it went to the battleground with him until it was discovered. Personal items like tags and Soldbuchs, jewelry, for me are very special to collect.
Like comics, Barbies, stamps, art, etc. ,,unless your a professional dealer your likely not to make money on it when you go to sell it.

It's very difficult for me,, but I only now buy when I absolutely have to have it,,can afford it, and will a family member will want it or be able to get anything for it when I'm gone!

Last edited by Gaspare; 01/08/2020 02:36 PM.