I'm wondering; concerning the regulations surrounding the wearing of Rauten or diamond patches as we know them in English. There seem to be a a few categories of sleeve diamonds, for example, service diamonds (like a medical staff and snake for a doctor, a horseshoe for a farrier, and multiple SD and Totenkopf diamonds) that indicated the duties or service of the wearer but there were also diamonds that were, one might say, "honor diamonds", like the SA diamond that indicated that the wearer had volunteered for a Death's Head Unit directly from the SA (or another who'd volunteered from the police) and another SA diamond that simply indicated a man was formerly with the SA. An individual could fit under several categories for such patches. What dictated which one was to be worn on the left sleeve? I can't say I've ever seen a photograph of an SS man wearing multiple diamonds on his sleeve. Was there someway that a man could within regulations wear more than one? I do know that both the Heer and SS mountain troops wore an edelweiss on the left side of their mountain or M43 caps and a round edelweiss on the right sleeve. Sometimes a special one indicating a mountain leader.