hi wotan
thank you for your expertise opinion onthese swords very elaborate now thats quality craftsmanship not quanity 1600s 1700s sword smiths were the best in the world germany didnt make junk they made quality most ww 1 swords had the rich gold all most looking like our 18kt gold they are just flashed gold dipped can not beat the workmanship the closest quality swords made here in america during civil war times 1860s was a company called schuler/hartley/graham they made magnificent looking swords for rich officers i did own one over the years and that sword blade was from germany then in the1970s i had the opertunity thru a dear friend to hold in my hands adolf hitlers huge in size sword presented to der fuhrer by the town of koln probly measured 7/8/ foot long heave in weight could hardly hold it had to use both hands to me yes der fuhrer held this sword at a cerimony in koln germany i was very impresed well thanks guys for the memories and photos god bless all andy militarynut