Hello den70, there are several (more) minute differences beside an original HYleader dagger and those fakes. For the luck of us collectors. I personally would not go into details because unfortunately we had to get to know that the fakers also do learn from our collector forums to improve their fakes. The best to learn the differences is to be in contact with experienced collectors, to attend shows and last but not least look nto reference books and forums (when obvious originals are shown) and learn how originals look like.

Jim W, I did know those swedish pre WWII daggers but do not know are they makermarked??? There is obviously without any doubt a connex between them and the HYlader daggers per se, not only the golden ones.

It is sad, that CG, who has opened the thread, does not respond in an appropriate time window. As he has handled a lot of daggers he should know how originals do look like.


wotan, gd.c-b#105

"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.