Originally Posted by Gaspare
On the SMP Silver Salon forum ,,,there used to be on a very knowledgeable guy 'Blackstone' on the 'Continental Silver section as they call it. ..

I have a Frey * in a regular rectangle,,,and some in a softer edged rectangle.. anyway here is his quote to me:

"The "F" & star mark (in a rounded rectangle) is listed in the same 1924 Yearbook as that of F. Frey & Co. of Pforzheim, Jewelry & Silverware manufacturers."

Might be in Tardys too,,just can't get to mine...

Oh yeah,,the silver forum is pretty good,,link at:


*So while not 100%,, we can say 1924 is an early date, and there are the square boxed marks later on.. There is always more to find out on these things. Just that the reference materials like the engravers guild booklets and other guild type books wasn't the best of materials and didn't last long.. IF you own one of the non 1s I'd still hang on to it, info is always coming out.. And, for those interested in buying I'd stay with a 1er just to be certain for now..... Happy hunting...,G.

Thank you, G,....much appreciated.

I remember you did already post silver Forum link in the past.........now I have to keep it in my record.......indeed very interesting.


P.S. unfortunately my Tardy's edition (1985 - reprint 2000) shows "old german states" hallmarks only, nothing post WWI related.

Last edited by Ric Ferrari; 02/13/2019 09:15 AM.