Hello nrik, first let me welcome you to the forum.

To your question: The fabric color, especially on Luft hangers, can vary very much. I do not know exactly why, but it is a fact. Perhaps the coloration was not very durable applied. Mostly such discolorations appear due to much light (sun). As the discoloration of the fabric on your hangers is through and through, even on the reverse and protected areas eg. beneath the buckles, the reason for the discoloration might be another one, perhaps a once damp surroundings or simply the color has faded to time.
I personally do not believe that the hangers have been produced in this color, but I have no better explanation than these above.

I want to add that due to certain details the hangers look professionally, period manufactured, not faked.


wotan, gd.c-b#105

"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.