Jimbo!! Wow. Usually, a story is a story is a story! BUT, this is some story! i'd say most / all , of it is true and seems if someone wanted to check up,,it could be verified,,,and probably verified true!

Well ONE thing,,,, Wish we had better photos!!!!!!!!!! At the quick ,first time glance I would say that looks like a copy.. For me the skull looks like its too proud of the band [ sticking out way on top of the band high ].. But then you got to realize the ring has had some work done to it. We don't know how good the jeweler was, we do know that like us he probably didn't know the exact materials or method and did the best he could...

so Jim just so I'm understanding this right.. This was supposed to be Himmlers actual ring? or I'm mis understanding and its the other guys HR?....