ed773, thank you for your thoughts. Concerning the portepee: It is for sure something very rare and obscure. I do collect since far over fifty years and have seen it the first time at Wittmann. Otherwise I would not have sought and bought it. So even other much more experienced collectors (Baz69 and Billy_G for sure are those) have not seen it or more of them. It is just a hope that any collector can give a comment because of accidential knowledge. Unfortunately, due to history, there are a lot of things we collectors don t know, especially in the -seldom considered- knot and portepee field.
I still dont give up and sometimes there is a result not before years after (eg see my hunting knife in the thread
where a special knife of mine has been identified after eleven (!!!) years by a very specialized collector with very few posts here, who did by chance come over the certain thread and the artist...

wotan, gd.c-b#105

"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.