Hello Billy_G, thank you for looking and your comment. The dagger with portepee TMJ has sold is the identical dagger w.P. that Wittmann has sold some time before. I have all pics of the offers in my files. So this is "only" one and the same portepee. which does make with the one I have seen out of a household only two in known existence...
Here TTWs and TMJs offers -one-and-the-same-dagger- compared (beside it has been heavily cleaned before offered the second time).

TTW u TMJ.JPG (175.91 KB, 581 downloads)
TTW u TMJ_a.JPG (181.55 KB, 578 downloads)

wotan, gd.c-b#105

"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.