Originally Posted by Baz69
The hirschfanger is fine but I do not like the dedication on the lower mount, the ADJV or Allgemeine Deutsche Jagdschutzverein ceased to be in existence in Oct/Nov 1934, this hirschfanger was made in 1935, I'm not sure how a dedication from a defunct association can give a hirschfanger to a SS officer in this case.


Hello, even more there is a prominent spelling error which is characteristically for these fake-inscriptions since the prominent Rattenhuber fake inscription which has made it into the TTW collection and the TMJ reference books...

"If you collect German you should think German" (which is NOT meant in any political way!).


wotan, gd.c-b#105

"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.