Thanks for the posts everyone. Redbaron: the scabbard body throat and runners are magnetic the bands and rings are not. I have been in touch with the dealer I purchased the dagger from and though it's many months since I purchased it and way past his return policy terms he has stated that if I am not happy with it he is happy to give me a full refund which is what I am going to do, and I think that's fair.
He says he still believes the dagger and scabbard to be absolutely original and that it is a late war type when quality and quality control were slack and as I am getting a full refund I'm not arguing his opinion. So all in all a good result thanks to posting here which then prompted me to contact the seller with my concerns. I had my own doubts about the scabbard and certain parts of the actual dagger and still do so I would never have been happy with it in my collection. This has certainly taught me a thing or two.
Cheers, Andy.