Glad you got thru fine Strat!
The news people are the worst. One was just saying was that it will be many months before things go back to normal crazy Many months?!

Myself,,well I'm on my 5th year after the flood and finally next month things will begin and in about another year we'll be pretty close to normal again,,, or normal for me at least wink

It will be years before things back to normal for them.. These coming days for them will be the worst. The funerals, home gone,,Car/truck gone,,possessions gone. It's a terrible feeling.. There will be many cases of PTS coming..

Lets all say some prayers for them.. IF it was a bit closer I'd go volunteer to help.
Donations will help. They are asking for cash donations.. IF you can't give cash I see many spots even by me here in NY collecting food,water,blankets.clothes,,anything will help..

Well again glad you got thru it safe Strat.. We're already worrying about Irma stopping by us frown . Mother nature can be a MFer sometimes..