Alex, I don't think Jim was speaking as if it was some great crime against ss militaria- or against the families, etc. I think he's merely stating it as point of fact- I'm certain one could take the romantic lost cause/unjust viewpoint, or that it was well deserved. I don't see his post as exhibiting either of those notions. Nazis killed innocents. Every kid over the age of 10 knows that. To be honest, if anything, both the reprisals by the soviets, and the similar hell endured by millions of innocents in the ussr under Stalin are the lesser known of the two evils. MANY graduating (18 year old) students in the USA do not even know the facts in the latter case. For example- which of the two t-shirts can you wear walking down the street with little problem in many with a black swastika upon a white roundel on a red shirt, or a red shirt bearing a golden hammer and sickle??
Best regards,
Che Guevara