I don't recall seeing a similar post. Having just watched a documentary on the bombing of German cities Berlin 80% destroyed Dresden Hamburg Cologne Nuremberg etc knowing populations etc what does one think the destruction rates of daggers, tunics and other militaria was do to bombing/fire? We seem to have a vast supply of certain items available to collectors but if we take into account those items lost to bombing, destruction by owners at end of war, de-nazification by the allies the amount of militaria available for plunder would have been greatly reduced. Certainly the Russian occupying forces would have destroyed much. Then one has to account for German items destroyed post war by owners,items simply thrown out as Nazi and valueless from 1945 until 1970 when items were generally viewed by many as non historic and of little value. Items damaged such as daggers by owners,cloth items ravaged by 30 years of poor storage, moth eaten and crushed headgear. The attrition rates would be significantly high. Taking all this into account what do GDC members feel the survival rate (%) of daggers is??? cheers Ryan