The Ffcts. Seam seems to be there and hallmarks doesn`t look bad on this pics but need a closer inspection/better pics.
From the pics i agree with Harpur, ring looks cast and....the band is a little t thick in the area of seam, at the most it is a very small size.

Otherwise, i know a lot of guys here will disagree, in my opinion casting (in rings too) was done period by some companies.

So for me without more background at least a very questionable ring and not worth to invest a lot of Money.

�Eine gewaltt�tige, herrische, unerschrockene, grausame Jugend will ich. Jugend muss das alles sein. Schmerzen muss sie ertragen. Es darf nichts Schwaches und Z�rtliches an ihr sein. Das freie, herrliche Raubtier muss wieder
aus ihren Augen blitzen."