Originally Posted By: Gaspare
Ron,, I wasn't there,,,but from reports from 3 different collectors there,,, The ring front was a sad one.. HRs,,very few. Really I heard of only 2 good ones.. Maybe MilNut Andy can give a better report..
PP rings were worse! from reports,,most were fakes and fantasies. Probably not more than a handful of good ones.
Many like this,,over priced postwar pieces that just confused the unlearned ring collector..

Oh yes... saw these at max... I believe We even spoke with the seller, reputable man too. Seemed receptive to the commentary... but, here you go folks- the "best" part of the hobby. Still selling as original, quite pricey rings.... it never ceases to amaze me. I would call any of it dishonest per se... just unscrupulous. Sad. It's really sad.