Originally Posted By: Mike (aka Byzanti)
Hi collector!
I see you are posting from New Zealand- I'd like to ask about the "R.G"- ever see this on a New Zealand vets ring? I know they were in Africa with the long range desert group and more- quite heavily invested in the North African /Mediterranean.... my thought is it's "King George" in latin, I've seen with other British rings... could Australia or New Zealand troops have a ring with the same mark? (although prob not this one- I'm not sure that New Zealand troops were in India.)
Yes it's a great ring- I'm glad you didn't outbid me! I had a suspicion that there was a good amount of silver left on it despite the poor pictures.... it's a great design....
a final point- as with my other "RG" marked piece- I was asked about the scraped out inside... this is interesting-- so it's an odd, deep, intentional carving vertically into the rings interior. If you note the "top down" pic - you can see how intense that scraping is.... IMHO here's why: it makes it slide on and off super easily, and believe it or not- makes a very comfortable fit! Ok- so why? (No idea, physics are involved here- but I think guns and/or bullets have grooves too sometimes...) and the air/space inside sort of helps it breathe and provide extra room when your finger swells and contracts. Thanks for the reply collector!

All good , I travel between NZ and AU regularly , I've never seen R.G on any ring come to think about it , fascination info regarding the grooves .