Hi sergey 65, thanks for the posts! What I've come to learn from these guys is the signet "SA" rings and the like are a minefield of potential problems in a field of few authentic pieces... that being said, I know of one nice one owned by Gaspare, and it had a hollow back, so it's not a familiar pattern to me.., my concerns are on the stamp, it looks "mushy" or cast in, and there is something I don't like on the bottom right of the top (cartouche) - looks like a casting "blob." I'm not trying to kill it- of course, please allow our seasoned collectors to add their comments, but the lack of the details, the solid back, the thick band, the fact that it's a "ground dug" piece - don't inspire confidence in me.. that being said - I honestly hope this is a good, rare pattern that is just new to me, in fact -that would be awesome...best of luck with it sergey 65 and thanks again for your post!

Last edited by Mike (aka Byzanti); 12/28/2016 05:32 PM.