Originally Posted By: Serge (aka Wagner)

There were even photo's of a early single hanger Officer version, so why not a shortie?

Wagner, I appreciat your vast knowledge but in this case please read my post carefully. Subordinate Postschutz members were never(!) authorized to wear a dagger. They HAD to wear the bayonet.
Yes, there was clearly a first model Postschutz leaders dagger with short hanger but never (and there is also not the least evidence1) of the period existance of a dagger called "shortie" by you.
The fakt that they do exist now is no evidence that they did exist during the period.

When there are even photographs of the first model Postschutz leader�s dagger (and I do own several! pics of it) which is nowadays NOT existent (I have never seen one or heard of a surviving 1st model) there should exist much more pics of much more (than leader�s mod.) subordinate daggers.


wotan, gd.c-b#105

"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.