It could be chief- without any markings, I'm not sure -but I know it was around for some years before during and after ww2- for many years I think to the 1980s! mine was brown but not pebbled, had a lot more brass snaps and clasps- including the belt loop rivets, rather than stitched- like yours, and a good amount of verdigris built up on the brass- not so much on yours. The name might be helpful, I think the Finns had Swedish lahti back then as well....Brown were military issue, crowns were government stamps, mine was an army piece-looks like yours is too-- some stamps had an HV as well, some had unit numbers! I do believe the Danish also had brown lahti holsters at some point. Honestly tough to tell from the pics, but it's certainly a holster for an m40 and could be ww2 period, definitely not a later model. Hope that helps,